
Dog Party Day

There’s a fun doggy holiday coming up. June 24th is Dog Party Day! Our canine buddies definitely deserve to be celebrated for their love, loyalty, companionship, and charming habits. Read on as a Frisco, TX vet discusses Dog Party Day, and offers some tips on how to make this day go to the dogs.


Why go to the trouble of hosting a dog party? For Fido! Our canine companions are very devoted, but they do both enjoy and benefit from being able to interact with other pooches. We all need time with our friends! Puppies can also benefit from the socialization of hanging out with older dogs. Learning proper doggy ‘petiquette’ is key to your furry friend’s development.

Guest List

While Fido would probably be thrilled if a bunch of your friends and family members just dropped their pups off for doggy playdates, there’s no reason he can’t share the big day with his human pals, too! Just be sure to only invite polite, friendly pooches that are current on their vaccines and parasite control.


As far as your human guests go, a barbecue/potluck is probably your best bet. Of course, you’ll need to set out lots of treats for the pooches. Many dogs enjoy frozen snacks. You can make your canine pals some custom doggy ice cubes by putting kibble or treats into an ice cube tray, pouring water or sodium-free broth over them, and freezing. You can also find doggy ice cream in many stores.


In order to host a puppy party, you’ll need to provide your furry guests with some form of entertainment. Set out plenty of toys for Fido and his friends! Keep in mind that dogs all have their own preferences. It’s best to have plenty of options, so Spot and Rover don’t end up fighting over the avocado plushy or the stuffed taco toy. Your four-legged guests may also enjoy playing in a kiddie pool or splashing around in the spray from a hose or fountain.


Our four-legged friends are really just an absolute joy to watch when they’re happily playing with their buddies. Don’t forget to snap some pictures of the big day! This is also a great way to spread the word about this ‘pawsipicious’ occasion.

Does your furry buddy need an exam, vaccines, or parasite control? Contact us, your Frisco, TX animal clinic!

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