
Common Holiday Pet Care Mistakes

The holiday season has officially hit full swing. Many of you will be quite busy with decorating, cooking, and shopping over the next few weeks. You’ll also need to pay your pet some extra attention, and make sure they stay safe and sound. This can be a dangerous time of year for Fido and Fluffy! A Frisco, TX vet lists some common seasonal pet care mistakes below.

Unsafe Foods

Foods are one of the biggest concerns at this time of year. Some things that are dangerous for dogs and cats include garlic and onion; chocolate; grapes and raisins; meat on the bone; avocado; caffeine; alcohol; fatty foods, like butter and cheese; nuts; pitted fruits; raw dough; and products that contain xylitol and/or a lot of salt, sugar, or fat. Ask your vet for more information.

Dangerous Decorations

The holidays are a prime time for pet mischief. Many seasonal decorations are dangerous for pets. That list includes small or sharp objects, tinsel, ornaments, ornament hooks, ribbon, toxic plants, electric lights, and candles. Real trees are also a concern. Pine needles are both sharp and toxic, and are very dangerous to swallow. Plus, the tree’s water could contain traces of chemicals, such as fertilizer and fire retardant.

Not Enough Playtime

Playing can go a long way towards helping pets cope with stress. Try to play with Fido and Fluffy every day, and help them burn off those zoomies. There’s nothing wrong with giving your pets a few of their gifts early!

Tempting Tree

You may have your hands full keeping Fluffy out of the tree! Hanging a bunch of shiny, dangling things within paws’ reach is asking for trouble, as is putting the tree beside a desk or sofa that Fluffy can use as a launchpad. Securing the top of the tree to the wall or ceiling with fishing line may help. We also recommend limiting the amount of decorations you have on the lower branches. Put most of the ornaments, ribbons, tinsel, and lights on the top two-thirds of the tree.

No Safe Place

Are you hosting events this year? Guests, music, and commotion can all be quite stressful for our furry pals. Make sure that Fido and Fluffy have a quiet spot to retreat to if they feel frighte.

Happy Holidays! Please contact us, your Frisco, TX animal clinic, anytime. We’re here for you!

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