
Building A Dog-Friendly Yard

Do you have a yard for your canine buddy to run around in? Good for you! It’s great for dogs to be able to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine safely at home. If you want to give your outdoor space a ‘pupgrade’, read on. A Plano, TX vet offers some tips on building a dog-friendly yard in this article.


First and foremost, make sure you have a sturdy fence, one your canine companion can’t go over or under. We also recommend a self-latching gate. 


When choosing plants, choose ones that are safe for Fido. (Tip: check the ASPCA website here.) Or course, you may also need to keep your plants safe from your furry buddy. Consider dividing your yard into sections, dedicating one part to your pooch and another to your plants. For borders, you can use fencing, potted plants, low brick or stone walls, benches, shrubberies, or even logs.

Ground Cover

Grass isn’t the only ground cover option. You can also use pebble gravel, thyme, or buffalo grass. Artificial grass is another possibility. It’s easy to hose off, and actually looks quite nice. Mulch is popular, but be careful: some pups may try to eat it, which is a huge choking risk. Cocoa mulch is also toxic.

Water Features

Fido may enjoy having a kiddy pool to splash around in on scorching days. (Tip: use the water for plants after your cute pet has finished playing.) Your furry friend may also enjoy a sprinkler. It’s also important for Fido to have plenty of fresh water outside. You can put water bowls in plant urns, which will make them look nice. Just change the water frequently: toads, spiders, and other critters could contaminate it. 


Want to really spoil your canine friend? Get him a doghouse! There are some things to keep in mind when shopping. This is one area where bigger is not better. In fact, if it’s too large, Fido won’t think of it as a den. He may even defecate in it. Of course, it shouldn’t be too small, either. Ask your vet for recommendations. Material is another concern. Get something that offers good insulation. Avoid pressure-treated wood: the chemicals used to process it make it toxic to dogs.

Do you have questions or concerns about your dog’s health or café? Contact us, your local Plano, TX animal clinic, today!

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